NYC E.R. Doctor Lorna Breen committed suicide in Charlottesville, Virginia. Lorna was only 49 years old and was head of the ER department at Manhattan based hospital NewYork-Presbyterian Allen Hospital. She spent lots of time battling the deadly pandemic. Lorna reportedly contracted Corona Virus herself and was sent home to recover. Though Lorna returned to work she was sent home again to get more rest.

Phillip Breen father of Lorna mentioned that she had no previous cases with mental-illness but was exhausted and deeply saddened by patients dying from Covid 19. Phillip Breen mentioned “make sure shes praised as a hero”  and “She was truly in the trenches on the front line,’’ during his call with the New York Times.

For doctors and citizens alike mental health concerns are growing rapidly. Mental health professionals mention that doctors who are exposed to intense conditions in the emergency room can adopt PTSD.

Two days prior 23 year old rookie paramedic John Mondello shot himself with a gun that belonged to his retired NYPD father. Mental health professionals have stated many times that the suicide hotline is becoming busier and overall feelings of turmoil during the pandemic are a growing concern. Lorna and Johns suicides are both tragic. If you or a loved one is feeling depressed and having suicidal thoughts please reach out to The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline’s at 1-800-273-8255.