During a difficult time when the entire world is on edge, everyone is asking if they should wear a mask during the Coronavirus outbreak. With a vast array of options, it can be challenging to determine if they even help to keep the virus spread at bay. If anything, it provides comfort to those wearing them that they have an extra layer of protection when they have to venture outside for necessities or go to work.

The CDC has listed a few proven ways to help the spread of the Coronavirus and how to help protect yourself adequately. Use these methods to keep you and your family safe during a difficult time. 

Frequently Wash Your Hands

The best defense against any virus is to always wash your hands frequently throughout the day. This is especially important when you’ve been exposed to public places, large crowds, or touched objects in common places. Germs are easily spread by touch. Always use soap and water and wash for at least 20 seconds every time. This helps to ensure that you remove as many of the germs as possible. When you aren’t in a place that you can wash your hands, use hand sanitizer as an alternative. Always carry a small bottle with you, so you quickly use it whenever you’re in public places. 

Wear A Mask in Public  

If you take public transportation to commute to work or will be in a public place most of the day, wear a mask as an added barrier. This will help protect from breathing in any pollutants, allergens, or viruses that you may be exposed to you. It’s essential to keep at least 6 feet away from everyone else even if you have a mask on. This will help to protect both yourself and the people around you. Always be alert and aware of your surroundings, so you make sure you’re protecting everyone’s space. 

Stay At Home When You Can 

Whenever possible, stay at home. If you have a compromised immune system or are over 60 years old, you need to stay away from public places as much as possible as you are at a higher risk of getting the Coronavirus, and it will be difficult for you to recover. Everyone else should stay home when they can to avoid spreading the disease to anyone who is easily compromised. Just because you may not feel sick doesn’t mean that you don’t have the virus. 

You can visit the CDC’s website for up to date information on the Coronavirus. They are adding new information daily. Wearing a mask during the pandemic is a great way to put your mind at ease, especially when you’re out in public. It’ll also help to comfort those around you who may be compromised or fearful of getting sick.