Personal protective equipment masks are essential to help protect against viruses, bacterias, and other pollutants that a person may be at risk of breathing in. They are an added layer of protection for anyone that feels the need to wear them. Especially for those who have a compromised immune system, the elderly, or others at high risk of getting sick. With the recent COVID-19 outbreak, people across the world have made it a priority to cover their faces and take extra precautions to protect themselves and their loved ones from potentially spreading the virus.  

When a mask isn’t worn correctly, it won’t be an efficient barrier between the virus and the person using it, essentially making it useless. In order to be effective, there must be a proper seal between the mask and wearer’s face. Facial hair can cause a problem in creating an ineffective seal. Making it, so the person is no longer protected by using a mask. 

Woman wearing mask properly

How Much Facial Hair Really Makes A Difference

It’s always best to be on the safe side and have a clean-shaven face when using a personal protective mask. Especially if a person works in the medical field, they need to make sure that their face is covered and the mask is sealed at all times. Even 24 hours’ worth of stubble can cause a break in the seal when the mask is placed on a person’s face. It can be difficult for some to be willing to give up their beard, sideburns or mustache, however, if they work in the medical field or have a chance of being exposed to a virus such as COVID19 it’s critical to put their health first over having facial hair. Before a person uses the mask, they should always test to make sure that the seal is effective to ensure that they will be safe when exposed to the virus or other pollutants. 

Although most women don’t have facial hair, they should always put their hair up in a ponytail or bun when wearing a PPE mask. If they don’t, it could also get in the way of sealing their mask correctly. Always error on the safe side and make sure there are no barriers whatsoever that could hinder the effectiveness of the mask. It’s still a good idea to keep hair out of the face to avoid the temptation of touching the face when removing the hair and potentially spread the disease.

Make sure to reach out to Terratori for all of your PPE face mask needs.